Ways to Improve Coding Confidence
In this era ,Programming is most important thing to do something creative and Programming is also a entry gate of IT industry.
Here are some factors which help you to Improve Coding Ability:
1.Practice some more:
You need to build something of your own.Don't feel oblegated to finish your practice projects either
if you have felt you have learnt what you wanted to.
2.Create a Project And Release it:
You should use your knowledge, create a project , and share it with the world. Seeing people use your code in the real world gives you more confidence.
3.Contribute to Open source :
Contributing to open source projects can be a great way to get additional experience and confidence. You can learn from other's code and feedback on your commits.
4.Give Talk at Meetups:
You might feel a little scared and inadequate to do this task but you definitely have some experiences that you can share with others.
Believe in yourself.
5.Programming is evolving ! Are you? :
People from all around the world have shared their skills and built the largest online Learning platform.
Now you can use their knowledge freely for months.
6.Communicate with others :
When you talk to other programmers about their coding experiences,you'll get more insight and will find out that they have the same feelings of doubt and inadequacy.
The Programming Process < >:
1.Defining The Problem:
This step consists of identifying inputs, outputs and operations which lead us from inputs to outputs.
2.Planning The Solution:
This is the step many novice programmers ignore but....
You should first solve the problem then write the code
You should think twice, code once
3.Coding the Program:
As the programmer, your next step is to code the program that is, to express your solution in a programming language.
4.Testing the Problem:
Newly written programs probably have a few errors. Find them with some tests and fix the bugs.
5.Keep Learning In The Moments That Matter:
Courses for every step of your career. Instructors with real-world experience
Dovumenting is an ongoing, necessary process ,although, as many prgrammers are, you may be eager to pursue more exciting activities.
Now that everything works, let's touch it because wr are using Git and we wo'nt lose anything and make that even better.
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